Mixed Media Morsels & more

Tips, Ideas, and Inspiration


{Ideas, Tips, Giveaways…}

Be sure to Follow me here, so you will be the first to know all the details as they unfold!

Categories: Art

13 thoughts on “My New Blog :)

  1. Ruth Aubertine says:

    Where’s the link to follow you??


    1. The Follow Me button is at the bottom on the right. 🙂


  2. Carol says:

    Excited to see!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Carla Maples says:

    Love the simplicity of your art work . You’ve been such an inspiration and quite the encouragement to me .I knew nothing about mixed media art until I came across you by incident and have followed you ever since, over a year now.Thx Cat I tribute growth in my art to you.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Tori Swanson says:

    Hi Cat. I can’t see where to subscribe. There’s nothing in bottom right. Thanks.
    Tori Swanson


    1. Lynda Pearce says:

      On my mini ipad right at bottom right was tiny little line saying ‘follow’.Hope this helps 😊


    2. Cat says:

      Hi Tori – I’ve added a Follow button at the top of the page, under the header photo on the right side.


  5. deb schafer says:

    So happy you’ve started a blog and even more excited to read and follow it. Love your work, thanks for sharing your talent with us.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Sandra Cook says:

    Hi Cat. Love the file folders. I think I will have to give that a try. So cute. Congrats on your blog. How exciting. I am a regular fan on you tube so now I will check up on you here too. Thank you so much for all you do. Art is fun and I love doing it, but all this media sharing stuff seems to me like a real labor of love. Your efforts and time are appreciated though. Just thought you should know. You probably don’t hear it enough. You Rock on Girlfriend!!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Joanne Rodger says:

    Hi Cat, Love watching your videos, you make everything look so easy, and you have such a nice calming voice. Thanks for all your hard work, and sharing with us.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Lucia Schultz says:

    Hi, Cat Love watching your videos and your such a good teacher it’s a pleasure to watch you. Thanks for all that you share with us.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Sandy Narayan(Lemaire) says:

    Hi Cat! Just checked out ur blog! I think it’s amazing sometimes the things we don’t really see until we really look. This spring, there was a tree branch outside my suite window, and it looked like an old man’s head with a long skinny neck and long chin. I even took a pic of it. Maybe now u have inspired others to really see what they r looking at. Looking forward to ur next blog. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Robin Murray says:

    Hey Cat! I follow your wonderful videos on YouTube and now am looking forward to following your blog. I don’t do Facebook and follow only one other blog so I’m gradually connecting with crafty people and the interests that inspire me. My next challenge will be to join a live streaming event! Can’t wait to visit your Etsy shop too.


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